SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protec
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection Service - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico
SonicWall Comprehensive Anti-Spam Servic
SonicWall Comprehensive Anti-Spam Service - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico
SonicWall Comprehensive Anti-Spam Servic
SonicWall Comprehensive Anti-Spam Service for NSA 5650 - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusio
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico
SonicWall Comprehensive Anti-Spam Servic
SonicWall Comprehensive Anti-Spam Service for NSA 3650 - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protec
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection Service for NSA 5650 Appliance - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusio
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control for TZ 350 Series - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico - per
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protec
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection Service - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusio
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control for NSA 3650 - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico
SonicWall Support 24X7 - Contratto di as
SonicWall Support 24X7 - Contratto di assistenza esteso - sostituzione - 1 anno - spedizione - tempo di risposta: NBD - per PRO 4060
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusio
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control for NSA 4650 - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protec
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection Service for NSA 4650 Appliance - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protec
SonicWall Capture Advanced Threat Protection Service for NSA 3650 Appliance - Licenza a termine (2 anni) - 1 elettrodomestico
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusio
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control - Licenza a termine (3 anni) - per P/N: 02-SSC-2837, 02-SSC-5640, 02-SSC-
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusio
SonicWall Gateway Anti-Malware, Intrusion Prevention and Application Control for NSV 200 - Licenza a termine (1 anno) - 1 dispositivo virtuale - per P